UC Working Paper Series
The UC Working Paper Series is a biannual publication geared towards
undergraduates in order to encourage them to have exposure to research and
further benefit from the experience: not only will this boost their CVs but also
they will serve as models for what UC expects of our other students. The
electronic version is freely available to all, whilst a limited issue of the
print version is available for distribution to UC’s stakeholders to showcase
this aspect of our research output.
Students may submit papers arising resulting from work done during our two
undergraduate research courses (RES201 and RES301) or others as a result of term
papers from their other courses or even their own independent research. The UC
Working Paper Series welcomes all manuscript submissions from UC undergraduate
To encourage submissions, and also to build up students’ confidence and
competence, academic reviewers will provide constructive feedback. However,
please note that The University of Cambodia and the UC Working Paper Series
Board ultimately reserve the right to publish or not publish any submission
entirely at their discretion. If you have any questions or if you want to submit
your work, please email director_crc@uc.edu.kh
3, Issue 1 (July 2020)
The Grade 12 Students’ Perspectives towards their Ideal University (1)
Heng Chanvimean, Sou Sopheaktra, and Tek Senglong
UC Students’ Perceptions on Envy on Facebook (22)
Chea Linda, Chhorn Mongkulreaksa, Neth Sopheaktra, and Theat
Technology Use and University Students: Does Technology Facilitate or
Distract Studying? (46)
Chey Sothea, Hak Seanghor, Hum Vannary, and In Waddhna
Perceptions of College Students on Dating (70)
E Vathana, Nguon Povsokthida, Sem Sarapich, and Sieng
UC Students’ Perspectives on the Emotional Relationship between Parents
and Children (95)
Lim Keo Kanchana, Ly Malina, and Kem Lina
Time Management of University Students in Cambodia (114)
Leach Savuthsengheng, Leng Channa, Pok Ranita, and Yang
2, Issue 2 (December 2019)
UC Students’ Perspectives on Depression (1)
Hol Chhaily, Leang Sotheanin, Rosland Najwa Nabilah, & Taing
Factors in Communication Gaps between Employees and Supervisors (23)
Pol Lysy and Uy Sakol
Attitudes of Working Students towards Job Satisfaction (33)
Chheom Kouy Eng, Sipav Menghor, and Soeng Monica
The Effects of Having Many Holidays on the Productivity of University
Students in Cambodia (43)
Leang Sreyvid, Pil Kolab, Sam Marady, and Yang Sreyleak
The Lack of Sexuality Education for Females in Cambodia (62)
Lim Leanghor, Neang Sreyne, and Net Chetra
Perspectives of UC Students on the Impacts of the Coming 4th Industrial
Revolution on Cambodian Workers (81)
Bora Pich Sereyzana, Dara Pichpanharith, and Dim Sreypich
UC Students on the Causes and Effects of Anxiety and Its
Solutions (1)
John Edison Tamayo, Keo Munyrath, and Chantha Miech
Factors Encouraging The University of Cambodia’s Students to
Choose a Major for Their Bachelor’s Degree (22)
An Nimol, Khit Soaphorn, and San Channiroth
Why Do Some Cambodian Youths Use Dating Apps? (39)
Sry Lyhourch, Kaing Sokheang, and Mok Monil
The Challenges of Academic Writing for Undergraduate
Students in Phnom Penh (50)
Khim Rathanak, Min Vochivireakpheap, and Touch Ratha
Succession in Cambodia: Background, Disqualification and
Types (74)
Ratana Samnang
Cambodians’ Perspectives on Online Gaming (83)
Sim Sina, Huy Panhavorn, and Kheang Somanithel
The Involvement of Youth toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in
Cambodia (1)
Boy Solinda, Ream Soveth, and Thorn Nochnita
Speaker Creditability of Television Commercials Played on Hangmeas HDTV,
CTN, and PPCTV8 (22)
Chhay Sokleap, Chhou Vansonita, Chim Sovath, Hou Chamroeun, In Sokunthea,
Khem Visal, Sarin Lina, and Sin Leapy
University Students’ Perspectives toward Teenagers Smoking in Cambodia
Chindy Saborn, Eng Veasna, and Keo Marady Eden
Image Building Messages in Angkor Beer’s Television Advertisements
Chen Sithyfong, Chhunkry Rotna, Mok Monil, Pav Chhor Kanha, Seng Reatrey,
Seng Sokunthea, and Sry Sotheareach
The University of Cambodia Students’ Perspectives on Volunteer Work
Belle Sopheabandithboklay, Hun Chiva, and San Kimnay
UC Students’ Attitudes toward Cosmetic Surgery
Chen Heang, Ly Younging, and Um Sovannreach
UC Students’ Perspectives on Youth under 18 Years Old Drinking Alcohol in
Cambodia (117)
Chhun Hong, Nak Pichta, and Sovann Arunraksmey
Persuasive Strategies Used in Cellcard’s Video Commercials to Influence the
Public (142)
Ker Kolbotr, Samnang Daranet, and Song Sokcheng
Volume 1, Issue 1 (December 2017)
Cambodian University Students’ Perspectives on the Effects of Having a Romantic Relationship
on Academic Performance
Ly Muychrea, San Vatanak, and Tep Sopheavatey
Working and Studying at the Same Time
Ban Chantrea, Hok Chansophy, and Hout Chantyta
The Influence of Western Fashion on Cambodian Teenagers (43)
Chan Sereyraksmey, Huy Maryneth, and Prak Chansreyneath
The Impact of Library Usage on UC Students’ Academic Performance (69)
Lim Vichea, Ly Nazy, Mao Sopanha, and Vuth Socheata
The Challenges of Higher Education for Rural Students in Urban Universities in Cambodia (94)
Lim Vouchsieng, Lay Sovanak, and Man Navy
UC Students’ Perception Towards Plagiarism
Cheng Sereyroth, Hor Kimheng, Lo Cheahong, and Ren Davina
The Increase of KTVs in Cambodia
Dao Thi My Hanh, Ean Udam, and Hok Loemhuo