January 31, 2013: Dr. Haruhisa Handa, Chancellor of UC, and his team from Japan visited the University of Cambodia and SEATV at lunchtime. The scheduled visit was in addition to Dr.Handa’s opening of a Rehabilitation Center for those with disabilities. Later in the afternoon, they made time in their already busy schedule to return to UC and meet students, staff, faculty and members of the management team in the Conference Center.
During the lunchtime visit, Dr. Handa and his team were given a brief tour of the UC buildings by Dr. Kao Kim Hourn to show them the latest developments. Thereafter they had a brief lunch at the UC Canteen, sampling noodle dishes and the iced coffee.
In a special afternoon extra, decided upon during the lunch-time visit, Dr. Handa spoke spoke about general education issues to more than 250 students, as well as staff, faculty and members of the management team. “It is a great pleasure to be here,” Dr. Handa said, adding that studying for higher education is very important: something that all students need to realize. “It takes time and commitment to pursue what we want to achieve,” he added. “Reading books will help clear people’s minds and make them able to think well and be smarter,” he stated.
He also gave a brief overview about his personal background and how he was able to come so far with successful businesses, sharing his ideas about what budding businesspeople should do to prepare themselves. His success has meant that he has been able to found various charities, such as the Rehabilitation Center and other projects he has established and operated. He concluded by saying that “I am thrilled to see more students attending higher education.
I recommend students take personal responsibility in selecting their majors and as soon as possible, to avoid wasting time in other fi elds. And, I suggest students learn to manage their time wisely and study hard while they are
still young.”
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