All Graduated AFD Students, Promotion 11 (Term I)



To       : All Graduated AFD Students, Promotion 11 (Term I)

From   : Dr. Y Ratana, Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Acting Dean, Undergraduate  

               Studies Division & Acting Director, Academic Foundation Department.

Subject: Call for newly AFD graduates to verify important information for the issuance of certificates

Date    : December 18, 2013


 To avoid any mistakes or misinformation, please be informed that all newly AFD graduates, who will receive Foundation-Year Certificate, have to come to the Academic Foundation Department (AFD) of the University of Cambodia, to verify their names, gender, date of birth, ID, GPA, and Grade from December 18, 2013 until December 25, 2013. AFD will NOT be responsible for any mistakes or misinformation on Certificate of Foundation Year, if those who failed to confirm their personal information by the requested date.

 For more information, please contact Academic Foundation Department or via 016 726 111/ 012 771 068 as soon as possible.

 Thank you for your cooperation.


Best regards


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