The recent decades of war and internal conflict have turned Cambodia into one of the poorest countries in the world, despite an abundance of natural resources. And, in spite of improvements in the human resources sector since 1979, social indicators are still at a low level compared with neighboring countries.
There is thus the need to promote the development and maturation of the latent potential of Cambodia's human resources, through the nurturing of the intellectual development and encouraging a culture of meritocracy. This requires the implacement of a dynamically-responsive education system, which can adapt and use the most appropriate modern pedagogical approaches in order to maximise returns on the investment (monetary and otherwise) made by both the administration and their prospective targets.
Our aim is to produce graduate teachers who can act as role-models and meet these expectations, and thus play a role in guiding Cambodia’s future path.
Students in the College of Education can do a Bachelor of Arts degree in one of the following subjects:
In order to be admitted to study for a Bachelor’s degree, an applicant must have a high school diploma or an equivalent; and take and pass the University of Cambodia Undergraduate Entrance Examination (under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport) and the University of Cambodia English Placement Exam.
New students must spend their first year fulfilling the Foundation Year Program’s requirements, as specified by the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia: this comprises eight General Education courses and two oriented subjects related to the student’s major: EDU101 (Principles of Education) and PSY101 (Introduction to Psychology). A student must pass the Foundation Year in order to proceed into the second year programme.
In addition to the Foundation Year and other General Education requirements set by the University of Cambodia, Bachelor’s degree candidates in the College of Education are required to take a minimum of a further 48 credit hours (the equivalent of sixteen courses) in their respective major. Of the other eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College.
The Bachelor of Arts in Education focuses on equipping students with the necessary background through integration of theoretical and practical aspects of education, together with the need for personal integrity, to maximise educational effectiveness. It is broad in approach regarding how education can be applied in society, ranging from the promotion of literacy through the effects of poverty and the need for community education.
Apart from fulfilling the Foundation Year and General Education requirements, students doing a Bachelor’s degree in Education must take two other major core courses (6 credits), along with fourteen major elective courses (42 credits). Of the remaining eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College
Year 1 (Foundation Year)
Major Core ('Oriented') Courses
EDC101: Principles of Education
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology
General Education Courses
ENG101: College English*
ENG102: English Composition*
HIS101: Cambodian History*
ITE101: Fundamentals of Computing and Information*
KHM140: Cambodian Culture*
LAW101: Introduction to Law*
MTH120: Introduction to Statistics*
POL101: Introduction to Political Science*
Year 2
Major Core Courses
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology
Do one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EDC103: Philosophy of Education
EDC104: Psychology of Education
Major Elective Courses
Do three (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EDC201: Sociology of Education
EDC203: Curriculum and Textbook Development
EDC204: Cognitive Development
EDC206: Introduction to Community Health Education
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do eight courses including:
ENG107: The Written Language
ENG122: Further English for Non-Majors
GEO101: World Geography*
INT103: Globalisation and International Affairs*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
COM101: Interpersonal Communication*
COM102: Essentials of Public Speaking*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology*
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology*
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology*
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
DEV102: Understanding Development
ECN201: Principles of Economics
ENG209: Spoken English
FIN201: Fundamentals of Financial Management
MKT201: Fundamentals of Marketing
Year 3
Major Elective Courses
EDC205: Models and Theories of Instruction
EDC302: Developmental Psychology
EDC301: Testing and Evaluation
EDC305: Guidance and Counseling
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do nine courses including:
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC101: General Science I*
PHL104: Critical Reasoning*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC102: General Science II*
RES301: Research Methodology*
At least two (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
PHL101: Introduction to Philosophy*
PHL105: Moral Philosophy*
RLG101: Introduction to Religion*
WMN201: Perspectives on Women in Society
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
BUS304: Leadership Skills
EAD305: Educational Policy and Implementation
EAD306: Instructional Leadership
EAD307: Educational Management
EAD401: Education and Social Change
EDC405: Curriculum Design and Instruction
EAD308: Library Management and Technology in Education
EDC304: Special Needs
ENG218: Writing for Academic Purposes
ENG219: Business Communication
LAW430: International Institutions and Global Governance
MTH110: College Algebra
MTH112: Calculus I
POL303: Political Leadership
PUB201: Introduction to Theories of Public Policy
PUB303: Ethics and Values in Policy-Making
Year 4
Major Elective Courses
EDC307: Multiculture in Educational Teaching
EDC308: Child-Friendly Education
EDC401: Educational Law and Implementation
EDC403----*: Gender Equity and Education
EDC404: Uses of IT in Education
EDC407: Development and Education
SOC303: Family and Socialization
Other Elective Courses
Do two (subject to timetable and other constraints) of the following:
DEV306: Development and the State
DEV425: Rural and Urban Development
EAD309: Classroom Management and supervision
EAD401: Education and Social Change
EAD404: Educational Facilities and Material Design
EDC405: Curriculum design and instruction
ENG305: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
ENG320: Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
ENG422: Advanced Business Communication
HRM403: Ethics and Values in Human Resources
IBS402: Managing Cultural Diversity
INT301: International Politics and Security
INT312: Geopolitics of Resources
MKT300: Consumer Behavior
MKT405: Advertising and Promotion
POL311: Introduction to East Asian Politics
POL312: Introduction to American Politics
POL415: Decentralization and Local Governance
PST301: Conflict Transformation and Resolution
PUB403: Survey of Cambodian Public Policy
PUB404: Educational Policies and Their Implementation
The Bachelor of Arts in Educational Administration program prepares students for administration and management careers in educational institutions. By including theoretical and practical aspects of education, together with the need for personal integrity, it is designed to prepare students to work in various administrative and management roles: for example, as principals, head teachers, subject coordinators, supervisors, senior assistants, directors of studies in schools and other education-related institutions level; as well as counselors and advisors in the educational ministries to maximise educational effectiveness.
Apart from fulfilling the Foundation Year and General Education requirements, students doing a Bachelor’s degree in Educational Administration must take two other major core courses (6 credits), along with fourteen major elective courses (42 credits). Of the remaining eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College
Year 1 (Foundation Year)
Major Core ('Oriented') Courses
EDC101: Principles of Education
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology
General Education Courses
ENG101: College English*
ENG102: English Composition*
HIS101: Cambodian History*
ITE101: Fundamentals of Computing and Information*
KHM140: Cambodian Culture*
LAW101: Introduction to Law*
MTH120: Introduction to Statistics*
POL101: Introduction to Political Science*
Year 2
Major Core Courses
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology
Do one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EDC103: Philosophy of Education
EDC104: Psychology of Education
Major Elective Courses
Do three (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EDC201: Sociology of Education
EDC203: Curriculum and Textbook Development
EDC204: Cognitive Development
ORG201: Organizational Behavior
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do eight courses including:
ENG107: The Written Language
ENG122: Further English for Non-Majors
GEO101: World Geography*
INT103: Globalisation and International Affairs*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
COM101: Interpersonal Communication*
COM102: Essentials of Public Speaking*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology*
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology*
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology*
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
DEV102: Understanding Development
ECN201: Principles of Economics
ENG209: Spoken English
FIN201: Fundamentals of Financial Management
MKT201: Fundamentals of Marketing
Year 3
Major Elective Courses
Do four (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EDC301: Testing and Evaluation
EAD305: Educational Policy and Implementation
EAD306: Instructional Leadership
EAD307: Educational Management
EAD309: Classroom Management and Supervision
EAD303: Communication in the Classroom
HRM201: Introduction to Human Resource Management
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do nine courses including:
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC101: General Science I*
PHL104: Critical Reasoning*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC102: General Science II*
RES301: Research Methodology*
At least two (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
PHL101: Introduction to Philosophy*
PHL105: Moral Philosophy*
RLG101: Introduction to Religion*
WMN201: Perspectives on Women in Society
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
BUS304: Leadership Skills
DEV321: Development and the Environment
EDC205: Models and Theories of Instruction
ENG218: Writing for Academic Purposes
ENG219 Business Communication
MTH110: College Algebra
MTH112: Calculus I
POL303: Political Leadership
PUB201: Introduction to Theories of Public Policy
Year 4
Major Elective Courses
Do seven (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EAD308: Library Management and Technology in Education
EAD401: Education and Social Change
EAD402: School finance and resource Management
EAD403: Issues and Trends in Health Education
EAD404: Educational Facilities and Material Design
EAD405: School marketing and Community
EAD406: Secondary Education Issues and Problem
EDC404: Uses of IT in Education
Other Elective Courses
Do two (subject to timetable and other constraints) of the following:
DEV306: Development and the State
DEV425: Rural and Urban Development
EAD402: School finance and resource Management
EDC401: Educational Law and Implementation
EDC402: Non-Formal Education
ENG305: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
ENG320: Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
ENG316: English for Management
ENG422: Advanced Business Communication
FIN420: Public Financial Management
HRM401: Benefits and Compensation
HRM403: Ethics and Values in Human Resources
IBS402: Managing Cultural Diversity
INT301: International Politics and Security
INT313: International Institutions and World Governance
LAW302: International Relations and Institutions
MKT405: Advertising and Promotion
POL306: Media and Politics
POL311: Introduction to East Asian Politics
POL415: Decentralization and Local Governance
PUB312: Management of Public Finances
PUB404: Educational Policies and Their Implementation
SOC303: Family and Socialization
The Bachelor of Arts in Curriculum Design and Instruction is designed to prepare students for careers as curriculum developers and/or teachers in various public or private sector organizations, be they small or large, local or international. It covers all aspects of curriculum development and instruction for primary and secondary schools, aiming to integrate theoretical and practical aspects of education to maximise educational effectiveness.
Apart from fulfilling the Foundation Year and General Education requirements, students doing a Bachelor’s degree in Curriculum Design and Instruction must take two other major core courses (6 credits), along with fourteen major elective courses (42 credits). Of the remaining eleven elective courses (33 credits) which the student must take, up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) can be from within the same College
Year 1 (Foundation Year)
Major Core ('Oriented') Courses
EDC101: Principles of Education
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology
General Education Courses
ENG101: College English*
ENG102: English Composition*
HIS101: Cambodian History*
ITE101: Fundamentals of Computing and Information*
KHM140: Cambodian Culture*
LAW101: Introduction to Law*
MTH120: Introduction to Statistics*
POL101: Introduction to Political Science*
Year 2
Major Core Courses
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology
Do one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EDC103: Philosophy of Education
EDC104: Psychology of Education
Major Elective Courses
Do three (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
EDC201: Sociology of Education
EDC203: Curriculum and Textbook Development
EDC208: Syllabus and Instructional Material Design
EDC204: Cognitive Development
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do eight courses including:
ENG107: The Written Language
ENG122: Further English for Non-Majors
GEO101: World Geography*
INT103: Globalisation and International Affairs*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
COM101: Interpersonal Communication*
COM102: Essentials of Public Speaking*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
ANT101: Introduction to Anthropology*
PSY101: Introduction to Psychology*
SOC101: Introduction to Sociology*
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
DEV102: Understanding Development
ECN201: Principles of Economics
ENG209: Spoken English
FIN201: Fundamentals of Financial Management
MKT201: Fundamentals of Marketing
Year 3
Major Elective Courses
EDC301: Testing and Evaluation
EDC304: Special Needs
EDC305: Guidance and Counseling
EAD303: Communication in the Classroom
General Education and Other Elective Courses
Do nine courses including:
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC101: General Science I*
PHL104: Critical Reasoning*
At least one (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
GSC102: General Science II*
RES301: Research Methodology*
At least two (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
PHL101: Introduction to Philosophy*
PHL105: Moral Philosophy*
RLG101: Introduction to Religion*
WMN201: Perspectives on Women in Society
The balance (subject to timetable and other constraints) from the following:
BUS304: Leadership Skills
EAD305: Educational Policy and Implementation
EAD306: Instructional Leadership
EDC205: Models and Theories of Instruction
ENG218: Writing for Academic Purposes
ENG219 Business Communication
MTH110: College Algebra
MTH112: Calculus I
POL303: Political Leadership
PUB201: Introduction to Theories of Public Policy
Year 4
Major Elective Courses
EAD308: Library Management and Technology in Education
EAD309: Classroom Management and Supervision
EAD403: Issues and Trends in Health Education
EDC402: Non-Formal Education
EDC 405: Curriculum Design and Instruction
EDC 406: Curriculum Planning and Change
EDC 407: Curriculum Policy and Implementation
Other Elective Courses
Do two (subject to timetable and other constraints) of the following:
DEV306: Development and the State
DEV425: Rural and Urban Development
EAD404: Educational Facilities and Material Design
EDC407: Development and Education
ENG305: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
ENG320: Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
ENG321: Introduction to Linguistics
ENG422: Advanced Business Communication
HRM401: Benefits and Compensation
IBS402: Managing Cultural Diversity
INT301: International Politics and Security
INT313: International Institutions and World Governance
LAW302: International Relations and Institutions
MKT306: Public Relations
MKT405: Advertising and Promotion
POL311: Introduction to East Asian Politics
POL415: Decentralization and Local Governance
PUB404: Educational Policies and Their Implementation
SOC303: Family and Socialization
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