Archives of the Year 2018

»Last day to apply for The 2nd Annual UC Video Competition
»Announcement on Re-Sit Examination on August 11, 2018​ from 8;00 am at conference Center, Fifth Floor (Khmer and English)
»Press Release on the Renaming of The University of Cambodia Library (Khmer, English, French, Japanese, Chinese and Korean)
»Press Release on The University of Cambodia Hosting a Special Lecture by Dato Sri Dr. Peter Ong
»First Day of Classes for Term 3, AY 2017-2018
»The Distinguished Public Lecture on the Belt and Road Initiative: Benefits and Impacts at the China Room at 3:00 PM.
»Foundation-Year Program Orientation at Room 509 from 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
»Press Release On The University of Cambodia and Global Technology University Signing an MOU.
»Press Release on the Techo Sen School of Government and International Relations Launching the Khmer Track.
»Sharing Session: Digital Health Business Model Disruption at the Conference Room, at 2:00 PM
»Pilot Screening of EKG Services from Unigen and iMedrix at the 1st Floor from 8:30 AM- 6:00 PM
»The Inauguration of the Laos Room and The ASEAN Ambassador Lecture Series: The Relations between Laos and Cambodia at the Cambodia Hall from 9:00 AM- 11:30 AM.
»Press Release on the Recognition of Mr. Yim Cheat Vannak for His Donation to The University of Cambodia Funding Campaign 2018-2023
»Press Release on the Recognition of Mr. Yim Cheat Vannak for His Donation to The University of Cambodia Funding Campaign 2018-2023
»Press Release on the Recognition of H.E. Norng Sakal for His Donation to The University of Cambodia Funding Campaign 2018-2023
» Public Lecture on
»Press Release on the Recognition of Prof. Din Merican for His Pledge to The University of Cambodia Funding Campaign 2018-2023
»Press Release on the Recognition of Dr. Rikhi Thakral for His Donation to The University of Cambodia Funding Campaign 2018-2023
»캄보디아 대학 기금 모금 캠페인 2018-2023에 대한 보도 자료

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