U.C. Bulletin July 2009

July 2009

The Cambodia Weekly Announces New Name: The Southeast Asia Weekly

Anticipating the grand opening of the new T.V. station (Southeast Asia) and coinciding with the up and running radio station (FM 106), The Cambodia Weekly has decided to under go a name change. It will now be known as The Southeast Asia Weekly.

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Sixth Annual Fashion Show Proves to be More Than Ordinary

As Term 2 comes to an end, everyone finds themselves gathered at the UC Conference Room for the Sixth Annual Fashion Show in celebration of the founding of The University of Cambodia on Sunday, June 21st, 2009.

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The University of Cambodia Hosts Event for Nou Hach Literary Association

By Christopher Smith and Phon Chanvutty  

On Monday, June 15, The University of Cambodia hosted an event for the Nou Hach Literary Association. There were writers from Cambodia and Northern Europe who worked together to present a feast of poetry for a discerning audience of students and guests. 

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Customer Service Training Workshop

As part of our step to better care for our students and staff, the Asian Leadership Center offered a customer service training section to provide the importance of its needs to the University.

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What is a Virus? How Can We Protect Our Computers From Such A Threat?

On June 15 and 17, 2009 the Chhay Hok computer company came and explained about the basics of a virus and how it eventually affects our computers. 

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UC Participates in “Southeast Asian Service-Learning Institute”

Part of a four and a half day event, June 29-July 3, UC became part of a seminar that taught us about the importance of Community Service-Learning.

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From the Dean’s Desk: UC: We Build Tomorrow’s Leaders!

Vannarith Chheang, Associate Dean of the Graduate School talks about how UC has a vision and mission to produce tomorrow’s leaders.

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AFD and CES Prepares for Graduation

In preparation for July 15, 2009 graduation, AFD and CES are working very hard to get everything finalized for the big event for our fellow graduates.

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