Research Promotion Policy for HEIs

Mr. Travis Mitchell, Deputy Director for the Institute of Research and Advanced Studies, and Mr. Ban Bunheng, Deputy Director of the ASEAN Study Center attended a three-day workshop entitled, “Research Promotion Policy for HEIs,” held at the New Beach Hotel in Sihanuokville, from August 17th - 19th, 2015. The workshop focused on the policy and practices of research development at some Higher Education In-stitutions such as RUPP, SETEC, and NUM. Moreover, the workshop presented about some HEI’s success stories, challenges, and future perspectives in promoting a productive research culture.
Dr. Ravi Venkataraman, International Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant for HEQCIP/Department of Higher Education (DHE), presented 14 indicators as tips and sources for creating a research promotion policy structure, and also for promoting a research culture. Those indicators are as follows:

  1. Brief introduction of the HEI.
  2. The focus of and kind of research being conducted (mention the priority research programs with a brief on objectives and expected outcomes for each research program).
  3. Responsible divisions/departments in the HEI that apply for research grants.
  4. Approval authority in the HEI for research grant applications, and the details of the processes involved.
  5. Detailed costs for each research project, categorized by own funds (HEI’s budget) and grants from outside sources.
  6. Proportion of the HEI’s own budget and outside grants that would go to the initiating departments.
  7. Proportion of the HEI’s own budget and outside grants that would go to the implementing departments.
  8. Staff remuneration/compensation for doing research.
  9. Capacity building programs for the lectures doing research (local and international trainings).
  10. Research coordinating units for particular departments/offices.
  11. Conditions of research collaboration with other HEIs.
  12. Research collaboration with the private sector.
  13. Clarification on intellectual copyright.
  14. Clarification on ownership of materials purchased with research grant money (eg: which department

owns what, depending on their level of involvement in the research and the relevance of the material). Last but not least, the workshop was separated into 4 groups for discussion on the research promotion policy in different sectors such as (business, agriculture, technology, and education and science). After the discus-sion, a representative from each group conducted a presentation.