Value Chain Analysis

On November 11-12, 2015, Mr. Travis Mitchell, Director of the Council for Research and Creativity, and Mr. Florian Chavigny, Research Fellow, attended a workshop on “Value Chain Analysis,” held at the Min-istry of Commerce. Dr. Francesco Goletti of Agrifood Consulting International was the keynote speaker of the workshop, which was organized by the Trade Training and Research Institute (TTRI). 29 participants, mostly from the Ministry of Commerce, attended the training, which focused on enhancing participants’ expertise and skills in value chain analysis and development approaches. Topics included mapping value chains, calculating costs and margins along value chains, upgrading technology, and facilitating value chain upgrades through public private partnerships, among others. After the workshop, the University of Cambodia and TTRI pledged to work together in future research projects, and Agrifood Consulting International suggested that UC students may be able to be involved in some of their research projects.

By: Mr. Travis Mitchell

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