The integration of the ASEAN Economic Community 2015 is approaching shortly. Government policies, regulations and preparations for ASEAN integration will help key stakeholders such as educational institutions and individual students gain knowledge and work out the best possible pathway for their own success. Therefore, in order to be successful it requires all of us including the government, NGOs, and other institutions to participate in this historical event. The education sector also plays an important role in the upcoming integration.
Promoting quality education is a very important aspect of integration that the government and all educational institutions must prioritize. Strengthening the knowledge and skills of students so they can effectively compete in the ASEAN labor market is absolutely crucial for Cambodia’s continued development. By producing highly qualified human resources, Cambodia will effectively boost the national standard of living, and significantly improve and the socio-economic development of the nation and thus become more sustainable and inclusive.
As a lecturer at UC, my goal is not only to teach students so they can successfully graduate, but also to get them ready to be an active part of ASEAN integration. As we already know, human resources are an incredibly important asset for the country and play a crucial role in development. Thus, it requires more attention from the government and invested institutions to strongly support the industry.
As I get myself involved in this sector, I have used different strategies to help improve the quality and efficiency of educational services through the process of technical and professional training in accordance with the demands of development in the country. For instance HRM201: Introduction to Human Resources. In this class I help enhance students understanding by using group assignments, role-playing, industry research, network building with potential employers, and group discussions. These kinds of methods help them to not only understand the theories, but also to understand the implementation of international labor law and Cambodian labor law. Set Dane, one of the HRM201 students commented on this style of teaching, saying, “The lecturer is not only teaching us from the textbook, but also providing us useful information which is related to her personal experiences. I believe this teaching method is easy for us to understand and help us to apply to the reality of work.”
Also, network building is one of the methods that can help students to build their confidence on public speaking and social skills, and to have a chance to get connected with potential companies before graduation. Kornitha, another HRM201 student said, “I would like to say thanks to our lecturer for giving advice and useful lessons related to HRM. The class activities have been quite interesting, our lecturer planned many class activities, group discussions, individual work, and especially, a mini project in order to ensure that every student understands more about the lessons.”
Again, for me, it is a big reward to see students understand and absorb knowledge, even after the course is finished. Also, it clearly proves to me that we are all an active part of the change and the ASEAN Economic Community Integration 2015, which will help boost our country’s well-being and people’s way of life.
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