
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities

Students form the foundation of The University of Cambodia community, and we are committed to providing an environment that values academic excellence, personal integrity, mutual respect, and solidarity, among others. Therefore, every student at The University of Cambodia holds certain rights to study and work in a quiet, respectful atmosphere that promotes the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge, soft skills, and a life-long learning philosophy. At the same time, students are expected to assume responsibility for their actions to ensure shared accountability for fulfilling the rights of their fellow students, lecturers and university staff.

Students’ Rights

  1. Students have the right to be treated with respect and dignity from all instructors and staff at The University of Cambodia.
  2. Students have the right to free and open discussion, inquiry, and expression, both inside and outside the classroom.
  3. Students can expect prompt and courteous responses and interactions from the University’s academic and administrative departments. 
  4. Students have the right to participate in all areas and activities of the university, free from any form of discrimination including harassment, on the basis of race, color, creed, nationality, religion, sex, disability, age, gender identity and sexual orientation.
  5. Students should have access to clear, accurate information concerning the costs of tuition, activity fees, registration, course offerings, programs, majors, and other University requirements and activities.
  6. Students have the right to receive academic credit and their academic degree when all specified requirements, policies, and course work have been satisfied.
  7. Students have the right to appeal grades they deem are incorrect.
  8. Students have the right to expect certain practices of their instructors. These include establishing clear course objectives and requirements through the use of the syllabus, clearly stating grading scale and criteria, evaluating students fairly, and protecting students’ intellectual freedom. Students also have the right to receive constructive and timely comment from instructors on assignments, exams, and projects.
  9. Students have access to extraordinary education that includes excellent faculty, academic technology, classrooms, the Toshu Fukami Library and E-library, the multiple computer laboratories, and other resources necessary for the learning process.

    Students’ Responsibilities
  1. Students have the responsibility to respect the rights and property of others, including other students, the faculty and The University of Cambodia, as well as to act as honest, responsible, and law-abiding members of the academic community.
  2. Students are expected to display appropriate conduct in classroom situations that will enhance the learning environment. Students who sleep in class or read non-class materials during class disrupt the course, as well as those who play on their phones, disrupt the learning environment for all involved and compromise the learning process.
  3. Students have the responsibility to be prompt and regular in class attendance, submit assignments on time, and take exams when scheduled.
  4. Students are expected to maintain academic ethics and honesty in all its forms, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism.
  5. Students are responsible for making sure that they will complete their degree requirements, which includes meeting both academic and administrative requirements set by each college or school as well as of The University of Cambodia. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Deans and Associate Deans will make every effort to guide students toward completion of all requirements, but the ultimate responsibility for satisfying these requirements is the students’. Students must meet with their Dean or Associate Dean to discuss their progress on a regular basis.
  6. Students have the responsibility to participate in programs and activities of the University in order to contribute to a vibrant campus environment and to learn outside of the classroom. They must also respect the campus by keeping it clean and tidy.
  7. Students must refrain from actions that endanger the health, safety or welfare of any member of the university community.
  8. Students hold the responsibility to obtain their ID cards, ensure they are not expired, and wear them while on campus.
  9. Students are expected to regularly check the UC Website, Facebook page, and bulletin boards on campus for up-to-date, accurate information regarding events, activities, and official notices.