

The Council for Research and Creativity (CRC) is a coordinating body of stakeholders whose purpose is to encourage individuals and groups with a University connection to become actively involved in innovative and informative research, especially with regard to Cambodia’s continuing development as a nation and as a member of the regional and global community. The overall aim of the CRC is to contribute to knowledge and capacity building across all sectors, including scholarly inquiry into scientific, social, political, gender, technological, and industrial issues. The Council strives to promote an appreciation and understanding for research; build the capacity in research and analytical thinking in the UC community; support original and creative research activities; become a forum where UC intellectuals can network and exchange ideas with others; mentor students to undertake research; inspire faculty and staff to conduct research; and encourage a wide range of publications in all forms.


Members of the CRC include the President of The University of Cambodia; the Vice President for Research, Development, and Policies; the Vice President for Academic Affairs; the Vice President for Operations; the Deans for Graduate Studies and Undergraduate Studies; the Deans and Associate Deans of the Schools and Colleges; and representatives of the Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (IRAS), ASEAN Studies Center and the Board of Trustees. CRC manages the publication of the Cambodian Journal of International Studies, which contains a variety of articles, interviews, and book reviews from multiple sources, including various faculty members, full-time staff members, and individuals from other academic institutions.


The overall aim of the CRC is to contribute to knowledge and capacity building across all sectors, including scholarly inquiry into scientific, social, political, technological and industrial issues. The CRC implements this vision by encouraging research and creative activities across the widest possible spectrum. These endeavors are encouraged and facilitated at the individual level, and also in joint partnerships with other organizations and institutions.

The CRC interfaces with the UC community  and the broader intellectual community by encouraging and supervising scholarly and creative output across all levels of academic research and social inquiry, including but not limited to government policy, international relations, gender issues, technological innovation, business and market research, joint projects with outside partners, and artistic and humanitarian endeavors.

CRC Responsibilities and Expectations

The CRC, both collectively and individually, plays an active role in enriching and enhancing the research and creative culture of the UC community and beyond, as well as the following:

  1. actively participate in the activities of the Council, including attending meetings and being involved in the organization of conferences, workshops and other ways of reaching out to the UC community;
  2. develop students’ and young researchers’ capacity to better evaluate research and to undertake their own research activities under the supervision of Council members;
  3. actively contribute research papers and/or book reviews, interviews, creative proposals, and research projects with outside partners;
  4. review and approve the research project proposals that seek for funding support from The University of Cambodia;
  5. review, evaluate, and endorse the research project proposals that seek for funding support from external sources;
  6. strengthen the research activities and research capacity of management, facilities, staff, and students within The University of Cambodia in order to become a research-based university in the near future; 
  7. ensure the accountability and transparency in managing and assessing the research project
  8. ensure that research is done ethically at The University of Cambodia.