February 19, 2012: The University of Cambodia convened a special ceremony in the meeting room, attended by faculty, staff and students, to receive a donation of US $10,000 from Dr. Rikhi Thakral (Executive Director of the Thakral Group of Companies in Singapore) to further the development of UC and our students. The event was graced by the presence of H.E. Mr. Dinesh K. Patnaik, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to Cambodia, as a witness.
In his introductory remarks, the UC President thanked Dr. Thakral for his most generous contribution, which would be used to help support the proposed new College of Media and Communications. He noted that this was not the first time that Dr. Thakral had offered his support: previously, he had provided financial support for 100 scholarships to new University of Cambodia students (the Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Vision-100 Scholarship for the period of 2008-2012), as well as other support to the University since 2003.
H.E. Mr. Dinesh K. Patnaik continued by noting that this donation is indeed important because it is to further develop the educational sector of Cambodia, as an important factor for the promotion and progress of other industries”. Apart from this, he also mentioned several projects which the Government of India is involved with, including dams in Kandal province and Tasal’s water reservoir in Kompong Speu province. Moreover, the relationship between Cambodia and India has been developed and strengthened over a long period of time: thus the Government of India has frequently provided support to the Royal Government of Cambodia in the educational field.
Dr. Rikhi Thakral then made a brief, humble speech in which he said he did not like making speeches; and that he was sure that the donated money would be put to a good use by UC to further the latter’s development.
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