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UC Occasional Paper Series

The UC Occasional Paper Series is an interdisciplinary academic journal for current graduate students at The University of Cambodia. Belying its name, the UC Occasional Paper Series is published twice a year at six-monthly intervals, in March and September; the electronic version is freely available to all, whilst a limited issue of the print version is available for distribution to UC’s stakeholders to showcase this aspect of our research output.

The UC Occasional Paper Series was initiated as way of encouraging students to take the first step towards publishing their research findings, book reviews or critical discussions on topics which will make an original contribution to the body of knowledge in the area of their specialization. These may arise out of a major class assignment, a term paper, a book review, or other research-based activity.
Thereafter, it is hoped that graduate students will be encouraged to submit their papers to the Cambodian Journal of International Studies.

  • This is especially the case for doctoral students, who need to have earned six credits from the publication of research articles in national or international journals.

The UC Occasional Paper Series welcomes all manuscript submissions from UC graduate students: please refer to the Submission Guidelines for the UC Occasional Paper Series, whilst correspondence in this regard should be addressed to occasionalpapers@uc.edu.kh,  Note that The University of Cambodia and the UC Occasional Paper Series Board reserve the right to publish or not publish any submission entirely at their discretion.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (December 2019) 

Volume 3, Issue 1 (July 2019) 

Volume 2, Issue 1 (July 2018) 


Volume 1, Issue 2 (September 2017) 

Volume 1, Issue 1 (March 2017):